Our  Preamble
                      Lutheran Kochi Mission is the activities of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Ernakulam by knowing people and serving  them for (w)holistic growth and development through worship, fellowship, nurture, witness and service. Lutheran Kochi Mission aims at making disciples through various  activities and programmes. We invite your prayer and fellowship. We encourage  exchange of  methodologies and views for this mission.     

Our Motto

Knowing people and serving them in Christ.

Our Aim                                                                                               

Witnessing Christ   and meeting wholistic needs of people.

Our  Goal                                                                                                                             

Starting Centres for Caring, Conciliation & Counselling , Rehabilitation, and ministry to Worship, Nurture, Fellowship, Witness, Service,    Evangelism & Stewardship.

Our  Vision                                                                                                                         

-Helping people for wholistic (physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual) growth  and development.                                                                                                              

-Equipping  Pastors, teachers, and church leaders  for Nurture,  Evangelism, and  Stewardship through effective Counselling ministry.

Our  Mission                                                                                                                   

-Reaching out to people through Worship, Nurture, Fellowship, Witness and Service.                                                                                                                                            

- Reaching out  to individuals and families through Counselling and Caring ministries at Hospital, prison,  street, slum ,Island and Apartments.

Our  Strategy

-Fetching  by Praying, Visiting, Counselling, Awakening, Mentoring and Rehabilitating.            

-Serving by knowing, loving, caring, sharing and healing.                                                         

-Helping by emphasizing, visiting, donating, sharing, sponsoring, and financing.                               

-Making disciples by going, teaching, and baptizing.                                                                   

-Witnessing by receiving the power of the Holy Spirit through the word and prayer.


Our  Objectives

Our  Activities

Our  Seminar, Workshops and Retreats on:

Our Out Reach Centres


Our Church

A Brief History of St. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, ERNAKULAM is given in Church planting Ministry

Your Partnership 

-Participating in mission by seeing, sharing, sponsoring and spreading  

-Joining mission by praying, going and giving 

Knowing people and serving them in Christ for Wholistic Growth and Development
India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC) is a partner church of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and registered under the societies registration Act.XXI of 1860 bearing S.No.11of 1959  

About Us

To provide education and educational assistance.

To promote the word of God.

To empower leadership qualities.

To build healthy families in the community.

To promote health awareness and provide medical assistance.

To organize income generating programmes.

To inculcate Love of Christ.
Immunization and Medical Camps
Distribution of freebies
Eye and Skin Camps
Personality development programmes
Blood and Eye donation
Woman empowerment and self employment
Prevention of Diseases
Child and Mother care 
Health, HIV/AIDS awareness
Vacation Bible School
Legal Literacy and Legal Guidance
Bible Club
Vocational guidance and training
Mobile Correspondence course
Counselling and conciliation
Morning watch programme
Restoring vagabonds and Rehabilitation
Life light programmes
Education for slum children
Audio Visual programmes
Creche and day care for slum kids
Computer awareness programme 
Family welfare for prisoners and victims
Leprosy eradication programme 
Thrift saving and neighborhood groups
Catch the vision of His Mission
Income generating ventures
Pass It On and personal evangelism
Training and demonstration programme
Environmental cleanliness
Campus ministry
Peer group evangelism
Walk Thru the Bible
Two Winged Family  
Seven Laws of the Learner 
Discipleship and Stewardship
Biblical Portrait of Marriage
Teachers as parents and Parents as teachers  
Building a Healthy Family
Nurturing of Children  
Two Winged Church
Strategic Planning Process
Vathuruthy Slum
Thanthonni Thuruth
Keezthara Colony
Kakka Thuruth 
Stadium Colony
Willingdon Island
Fisheries colony